Level: Complete Beginner
Equipment: A comfortable place to sit. Feel free to sit on a cushion/yoga brick, in a chair or with a wall behind your back.
Pace: Starfish
Learn the correct alignment of the back and engagement of the core.
Level: Complete Beginner
Equipment: None
Pace: Dog
A meditation in learning to visualise the breath when thoughts arise
Equipment: Somewhere comfortable to sit (in a chair, with a wall behind you or in the center of the room). Cushions, blankets and yoga bricks can be used.
Level: Beginner
Pace: Starfish
Create space to allow your intuition to shine through.
Sound Healing is an ancient technique in which instruments and voice are used to realign the body physically and energetically. Any sound is vibration; just as some sounds can lead us to feel stressed or uncomfortable, other sounds can induce us into feel relaxed and at ease.
Crystal bowls, made from quartz crystal, create pure and healing sounds that emit healing frequencies.
You can expect to be laying down throughout the session, cosied up in a blanket with a whilst the magic happens. We will begin with a relaxing breathing exercise and meditation to assist in transitioning the nervous system into a relaxed state, followed by the playing of the bowls.
As we are made up of vibration, it’s the vibration of the bowls resonating with the body that creates shift so all you need to do is turn up and give yourself permission to relax.
In a fasted paced World, this practice gives space for self-healing. When we create space for ourselves, we have some of our best realisations, let go of what no longer serves us and most importantly reconnect to ourselves to be our best and truest versions of who we were born to be.
Level: All levels
Equipment: Somewhere comfortable to sit or lay. You may want to use cushions and blankets. Make sure you are warm as your body temperature will drop as you remain static. I recommend wearing a jumper and warm socks.
Pace: Starfish
In this session we learn to check in on the body. Creating awareness of how we feel can be a helpful tool for self-care.
It’s best to complete this session in the morning.
Equipment: Somewhere comfortable to sit. You may sit in a chair, with a wall behind you or in the center of the room. Feel free to use cushions, blankets and yoga bricks.
Level: Beginner
Pace: Starfish
Basic stretches for the neck, shoulders and upper back to relieve tension
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Equipment: None (2 x Bricks optional or chair instead)
Pace: Tortoise
Deep full body stretches held for 2-3 mins
Level: All levels (great for beginners in particular)
Equipment: 3-4 Cushions
Pace: Starfish
Prepare your mind and body for the day with flowing sun salutations
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Equipment: None
Pace: Dog
Stretches held for 1-3 minutes designed to improve the natural flow of the digestive system.
Level: All levels
Equipment: Wall and 2 x Cushions. Optional: 2 x Yoga Bricks and 1 x Yoga Block
Pace: Starfish/Tortoise
A slow leg burn that energises and revitalises you!
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Equipment: Optional pilates ball and magic circle
Pace: Dog
Balance Svadhisthana energy centre with powerful affirmations. Based in the sacral region, this chakra links to the element of water.
Level: Beginner to intermediate
Equipment: Cushion(s), a blanket, a wall or a chair. Prepare yourself in a comfortable seated or laying position. Feel free to sit with your back against a wall or in a chair when sitting.
Pace: Starfish
What is Chaturanga Dandasana and how do I do it?
Level: Helpful for all levels, designed for beginners
Equipment: 2 x Yoga Bricks
Pace: Dog
Learn how to move into and through Chaturanga Dandasana (Four Limbed Staff Pose).
This position is the foundation for many other poses in the practice. As well as building a good foundation, maintaining correct form in this position will prevent injury and strengthen the correct areas to progress to further poses if you wish.
A morning yoga practice looking at the practice of contentment, also known as Santosha in yoga.
Contentment can be mean many different things at different points in your yoga journey. Contentment means accepting and appreciating what we have and who we are already. It’s being at peace and happy with where we have come to in the present moment. Contentment also means maintaining inner peace even when outside circumstances change or do not go to plan.
Levels: Beginner to easy intermediate
Equipment: 1 cushion or yoga block
Pace: Fast Tortoise/Dog
Flowing repetitive movement to stretch the body and focus the mind
Level: Confident Beginner/Intermediate
Equipment: None
Pace: Dog/Hare
A slightly more dynamic mellow yoga. A great class to take if you’re interested in trying some of my dynamic yoga classes.
Equipment: 1 x Strap OR towel and 2 x Yoga bricks
Level: Beginner to easy intermediate
Pace: Dog
In this session we look at breath. The breath is a great source we can use to anchor our mind.
Equipment: Somewhere comfortable to sit. You may sit in a chair, with a wall behind you or in the center of the room. Feel free to use cushions, blankets and yoga bricks.
Level: Beginner
Pace: Starfish